Put your trust in HomeGuard. Pest Control specialists for over 30 years.
For over three decades, HomeGuard has been providing high quality, honest, safe, dependable and effective service. Throughout Florida, we provide our customers with the most experienced technicians in the industry. Our company was chosen from among the leading pest control companies in America to provide our exclusive HomeGuard Borate Treatment to the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel - the largest occupied wooden structure in the world. This is the largest single termite treatment ever undertaken.
In addition to our work at the Belleview Mido, we have successfully treated schools, restaurants, businesses, high rise office complexes,condominiums and homes throughout Florida. Each and every treatment has produced satisfied customers with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that they weren't exposed to hazardous pesticides. CLICK HERE for a list of successfully treated jobs throughout Florida.
HomeGuard offers customers the lastest advantages in Termite Control.
The two main types of termites that affect Florida consumers are Subterranean Termites, which live in soil and attack structures from the ground up, and Drywood Termites, which can live in isolated pieces of wood in a structure such as attic rafters. Both, can go undetected for years, and can cause extensive damage to your home. HomeGuard Pest Control's Termite Specialists have the expertise to inspect and treat for the infestation of any termite species in Florida and will provide the protective measures your home deserves.
HomeGuard Pest Control's Termite Specialists are trained in the lastest techniques in pest management, and are equipt with our patented HomeGuard Subterranean Termite Baiting System w/ the new EPA Registered, Truth Termite Bait, and our exclusive Drywood Termite Borate Treatment. With Homeguard you will never deal with a salesman......Only the technician who will actually preform your inspection...........
If you would like to schedule a free termite inspection, from HomeGuard Pest Control, Inc.,
a leader in Inovative Pest Management, please give us a call today, to take the important first step in protecting your home from termites.
HomeGuard Pest Control Inc.
HomeGuard Pest Control Inc.
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E-Mail: info@homeguardpestcontrol.com
727-595-3502 Pinellas
727-595-3887 Fax
727-842-7918 Pasco
813-223-2240 Hillsborough
941-742-6640 Manatee
941-953-9077 Sarasota
727-595-3502 Pinellas
727-595-3887 Fax
727-842-7918 Pasco
813-223-2240 Hillsborough
941-742-6640 Manatee
941-953-9077 Sarasota